Aquarius Monthly Horoscope - July 2024

Aquarius, your love life is the center of your universe this July! Venus trines and sextiles Uranus optimally on the 2nd and 11th of November, which is the time to iron any wrinkles out in your relationships, connect to your partners and share dreams. They are ideal days for developing feelings and becoming the seat of passion. However, beware the 11th and the 12th, as Venus opposes Pluto, which could spell jealousy or possessiveness. If anything from your past relationships start to creep back up, tackle it with an open heart and mind. During the middle of the month Mars conjunct Uranus on the 15th could ignite a sudden new interest or an anti-establishment impulse. While spontaneity can invite exciting opportunities into your life, remember to always think before you act in haste. Venus sextiles Jupiter on the 21st, and you go big, woozy and idealistic, extra? But watch out for what you might regret.

Support from family and friends is in the frame on the 2nd, and 10th as Saturn roots down, giving you a sense of security, the perfect backdrop for heart warming and get togethers. Use these days to bond with family. On the 5th the New Moon in Cancer gently nudges you inward requesting you to reflect upon the emotions which your nurture or which nurture you within the family dynamic. This is a wonderful time for being completely open, saying things that have needed to be said and sealing the bonds.

This month, you will experience a balance in work and education work. Your creativity will also improve with Mercury trine Neptune on the 2nd, a great day for brainstorming or any artistic pursuits. And still pay attention to the trivial as your attention may wander. However, Mercury opposes Pluto on the 3rd, which could bring along secretive or power dynamics into play, so be very mindful of this. Try and be assertive but also diplomatic about it The 8th sees a sextile between Mercury and Jupiter as well which should help in connecting well with people, so presentations or negotiations will be favored. This is a good time to take up studies as well.

Then, July 5th the Mars sextile Saturn puts motion in your money, focusing your energy there. Great time for budgeting, savings, debts generally. But Mars sextile Neptune on the 20th - coupled with even greater expectations - could lead you down the rose-colored-glasses garden path when it comes to your finances. Warning against hasty spending and high-risk investments are important things to keep in mind during this stage.

As I have been there of encouragement about health, June emphasized your wellness — a reflection will shortly take place in your 12th of secrets and well-being with Neptune retrograde from the 2nd. Your health in both body and soul is under review but do be proactive and see the GP if something for some reason is bothering you. Find some beauty in nature, either through meditation or a walk in the woods, to restore yourself with the help of relaxation techniques. As Mars moves into Gemini from the 20th your energy does lift but it can be a little bit of scattered energy so be aware of that. Turn this spout of energy towards physical activities or creative endeavors to keep your equilibrium intact.

With Pallas finally going direct in Scorpio on July 9, that passion for delving into what resides beneath the surface and your personal growth and spiritual journeys get an added boost. Research, Self-Discovery, spiritual practices. This Particular Full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st as well as the Sun opposing Pluto on the 22nd are bringing up strong emotions and a desire for major changes. Personal breakthroughs can happen during this time but just be careful of any control issues that may come up.

There is a Venus sextile Uranus on July 8th which will inspire the curious to some travel and adventure. How about a spontaneous weekend trip or travel to a new culture. The Mars-Uranus conjunction on the 15th may present with either out-of-the-blue travel plans or sudden travel disruptions, so if things do change traveling, only recourse is going to be your inherent flexibility and adaptability.

On the 21st, communication becomes more difficult with Mercury square Uranus, creating confusion or interruptions in place. It all comes down to clear expression and active listening - but of course, in crucial conversations, both become paramount.

Cosmic wishes,
Pythia Astrologer ✨

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