Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024

Love Encounters & Challenges đź’–

Emphasis is on love and romance with Venus connecting to Neptune on the 5th making it a dreamy start to July; providing an opportunity for romantic liaisons. Not to rain on your parade, but by the 11th, you could be seeing things through a rose-colored lens and miss key elements and clues in regard to your relationships. See more: Keep in mind, and be concise with your ideas.

August brings a mixed bag. Mars and Jupiter will be all over your passion sector on the 14th, but Saturn's sobering reality check on the 15th could pour some cold water over things. Long answer —If you are beginning to do something new, be patient and build step by step.

The Pisces Full Moon on September 17 is a time of emotional revelations. You will find deep truths of your current relationships which might turn to be breakthrough or breakup. Be brutally honest, even when it hurts.

Then, on October 17, a Full Moon in Aries might cause you to act hastily. Beware of your decisions that are made on a whim, especially when you can hop from quiet rivers into deep oceans.

Venus in Capricorn sextile to Saturn (11/11): Stability sneaks up on you during this alignment. Aquarians looking for long term commitments will really love this time. Plan ahead for your combined future and work on building a foundation of emotions.

two Aquarians illuminated by Venus's glow, amidst a swirling dance floor of constellations

Venus in Aquarius trine Jupiter: December 19Venus rouses our taste for the avant garde on Dec. 19, when she forms a close connection with majestic Jupiter in incredible Aquarius. It is the right moment to re-connect with someone special or even meet new people forged in the same values and dreams.

Family & Friends

Interesting family dynamics will probably be afoot. The Sun trine Saturn on July 10th is good for reconciling differences and communicating respectfully, as well as having heart to heart conversations. The Aquarian Full Moon will be on August 19 where you might arouse rebellious sentiments within your social group, heralding a fresh start for the collective or leading to hostile ultimatums when it comes up against power.

A New Moon on September 2nd opens up new ground for family connections. Make this time to get started on dialogs about common goals, or moves people say living situations. The weight of tradition and togetherness only compounds the closer we get to December 21st, the Winter Solstice. Plan a casual get together and relive those moments with your loved ones.

This Capricorn influence is further accented by the Winter Solstice on the 21st, a time of tradition and familial unity. Organize a casual meet up to get in touch with your folks. This is a great time to strengthen bonds between oneself and people who share the same values.


Kindred spirits: July and August When Mercury is in air signs (Gemini, Leo, Virgo), your thinking becomes clearer. It shall make it almost effortless for you to communicate what is on your mind and indulge in exciting conversations. That you—that is the period where you articulate your thoughts, either in person while chatting with someone or giving a presentation professionally.

On the flip side, Mercury retrograde periods (Aug. 4 and Nov. 25) could gum up the works in the realms of communication, so be careful what you reveal or conceal this summer! Misunderstandings are bound to happen, as well as technical glitches and delays. Use common sense, read what you write before posting and take things slow with lots of care. Be patient and firm with your communication practices.

Travel & Adventure

Travel will be prime through July and August with expansive Jupiter in wonderful aspect to several planets. Your wanderlust is stronger than ever. No matter if it is just a random road trip or an appropriate holiday season break, the months to come ensure long-lasting expeditions. So, keep in mind for booking and also be prepared to plan your journey flexibly.

Aquarius character calmly unraveling a tangled flight schedule amidst a bustling airport lounge filled with constellations and warning signs

September, however, can really be a cautionary tale making us relive Mercury retrograde (August 4), again in November 25. Failure to do so might result in delayed travel or flubbed logistics. Please double-check all details with your future plans and have a backup plan if you will be planning trips during these times. Your best friend will be patience.

Another period June 26–July 3 and then in the first half of November, after Mercury retrograde has ended on the 15th (safe for travel). The stars align and everything feels calmer, creating the perfect time for you to travel whether you are exploring new lands or returning home free from retrograde concerns. And remember to get your plans together ahead of time so that you sidestep the retroshade.

Education & Work

Mercury zips into aspect with Jupiter today to give a big boost of attention and focus at work, although the real promises or struggles that you're likely dealing with are more related to events on Saturday morning when there will be a new moon in Cancer. One would be able to do brainstorming or come up with a new idea (if you are studying or doing a job) during this period.

On August 14, Mars will join with Jupiter in your sector of big visions and ambitions. This is a great time to start new projects or make a daring career move. BUT you have to watch out for August 15th when Mars squares Saturn. It can cause overcommitting, which in some cases may lead to losses. Temper your excitement with sound planning.

Some more communication mishaps could arise at the planet squares of Mercury in Leo and Virgo on September 6th and 18th. Delays and confusion might make slowing down progress. Patience, validation, and clear communication.

October's New Moon falls in Libra on the 2nd, highlighting collaboration and teamwork. Spend time delegating in this period or else, you can use your social strengths for better collaborations at work/school. New beginnings are good, so launching new projects or collaborations is appropriate.

Another shot at a new beginning with work or your studies comes as the New Moon on November 2nd. Connections, initiation on new projects, and meetings about career moves are all positive. So as we approach the Winter Solstice — this year on December 21st — be sure to pat yourself on the back while looking ahead. This time of the year is just right for gearing up to strategize and having a clear picture of what you would want your next year—even life, to be.

Financial Opportunities

From a financial perspective, there are many windows of opportunities. The day here, July 29th is fabulous for bringing windfall (or FUND-raising): Watch your bank account and doors for new money opening up.

But on the Aquarian Full Moon of August 19, impulsive spending is a no-no. Plan within your budget to save from the financial burden.

September 22-October 13 is a time of negotiating new arrangements in your career, while the New Moon on September 2nd suggests that you look to new ways of making money and reach for financial goals. Manage your money systematically and invest for long-term growth.

Mercury opposes Jupiter on November 18th, ushering in confusion and unrealistic financial expectations that may prompt impulsive decisions. Skip The Investment And Gambling Arena To Play It Safer.

Health & Well-being

Mars in Gemini arrives on July 20, providing a welcome burst of energy to your life. This is an ideal time to establish a brand new fitness regiment, or try something active. Use this momentum as a kickstart to make it a healthy year.

Aquarius character defying gravity amidst swirling flames and constellations

Mercury squares Uranus by August 18th making the body bring in unwanted disturbances in your day-to-day dealings. This means try the best you can to take a break from stressing about the body and mind so that if your disturbed sleep patterns and added stress may not cause you even more harm in the long run, essentially prioritize self-care. Just basic practices such as having the same sleep routine nightly and also performing exercises that permit reliability.

No Stone, No Sticks,"The Pisces Full Moon puts emotions in a state of emotional intensity that could lead to anxiety or fatigue. Designate some time for relaxation and meditation. Yoga or meditation can help you return to a more centered state.

Mars retrograde in Leo, close to that December 6th eclipse date, can take the wind out of your sails or make you reluctant to act. Feel your body, gentle movements, and listen to what your body needs. Don't be attracted by the activity to further speed it up - chill and let it rest when needed.

Personal Growth & Spirituality

Introspection is also favored by Neptune retrograde, from July 2nd to September 1st. Use this time to move forward in creative or meditative acts and look into your inner being. You can also gain deep insights when these thoughts and feelings are journaled.

The Aquarian Full Moon on 19th August, opens up your rebellious and rule-fearing nature for more to change. Accept your individuality and release bondage. This is your moment to beat the norm — but in a different way.

Post-fall equinox, a touch point to our connection of nature. Create affirmations for the next few months, some personal goals that you would like to develop. Where do you need to grow or shift your life?

That is a strong day for emotional healing and transformation with the Venus conjunct Pluto on December 7th. Utilize this energy to let go of old wounds and welcome a new leaf. Whether that be therapy, spiritual work, or deep conversations.

Some Famous Aquarians

  • Jennifer Aniston was adored for the lead in the history-television show “Friends” and has also flourished in the film sector; she has collaborated with Dolly on several nationwide advertisements due to her charm, ability, and general likeable presence;
  • Oprah Winfrey, an all-round media power and benefactor, is most renowned for the appearance of her Oprah Winfrey Show.
  • Ed Sheeran - one of the world’s most well-liked singers and songwriters, Sheeran’s music and true-to-life lyrics have made an impression.
  • Kerry Washington is a highly serious film star who has been instrumental in raising recognition of a variety of concerns;
  • Christian Bale is a believer in playing dark and brilliantly playing roles. An actor who has appeared in The Dark Knight and American Psycho knows how to change from one personality to the next.

Cosmic wishes,
Pythia Astrologer ✨

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