Aries Monthly Horoscope - July 2024

Beginning of July 2024 with Venus trine Saturn and Mercury trine Neptune on July 2nd shows your desire for a relationship, which is both solid and magical. You'll be tempted to do the full dive into fantasy, and it's totally possible that Venus entering Leo on July 11th, and moving through your 9th house of higher learning and expansion could amp up your charm, and possibly set your sights really high. With Venus opposed to Pluto on July 12th and 22nd, things could get even more heated, not just in romance but maybe in a power struggle. Do not resort to ultimatums - they almost always backfire.

On July 15th, you get even wilder with Mars conjunct Uranus pushing you to escape your love-story rut. Making snap decisions feels so good, but a little patience will help you to avoid regret later on. Then, July 20 and 21 see the universe encouraging more positive, playful and communicative spirits. If you stay open and put your desires out there, Mars sextile Neptune and Venus sextile Jupiter combine to give incredible energy and opportunities for magnetic new connections.

As the New Moon in Cancer on July 5 in a smooth aspect to Mars sextile Saturn, will make it available for you to put into place some solid long-term financial structures (such as opening a college account for a child, starting a new savings account, creating a five-year plan, really examining your cash reserves and tightening up your budget.) Invest that motivation into practical approaches to stay committed and make gradual gains. Mercury will also sextile Jupiter on July 8, a day that sparks new and exciting ideas for you to share with your closest network. Do not be afraid to show off your abilities, everyone has done a bit of self-promotion in their lifetime and it may lead to big things.

Self-Care & Growth: On July 2, Mercury enters Leo, expanding your irresistible, radiant glow for all things personal growth and well-being. Let that fire drive you into creating something fun and engaging so pick up a new hobby or start working on a project that you really care about. Our minds seek respite from the mania on July 9th, when Pallas the Goddess of wisdom and strategy, stations direct in Scorpio. In the middle of July, the Sun trines Neptune, which is then followed by Mercury squaring off against Uranus on the 21st, which should guide us toward a significant breakthrough moment. Use this time to reflect, but keep expectations low to the ground. Old wounds may surface as Chiron turns retrograde in Aries on the 26th. This could mean taking time for self-care and finding a healthy and constructive way to process those feelings.

Family & Friends: The New Moon in Cancer July 5th spotlights family ties. A time for fixing relationships and having deep conversations. Practice patience and flexibility, but do not forget to communicate your own help needs. Deal with any residual family matters sensibly on or around July 10 when the Sun trines Saturn will help you have a practical approach to realize what is transformational offer.

Travel & Communication: A Mercury to Uranus square on the 21st might mean transportation and communications go a bit wonky. Revisit your plans, stay adaptable and pack your patience. I agree, these are the smallish bumps that we can get over with a little bit of prep and flex.

Key Dates to Remember:

  • July 2: Venus trine Saturn, Mercury trine Neptune
  • July 5: New Moon in Cancer, Mars sextile Saturn
  • July 8: Mercury sextile Jupiter
  • July 11: Venus enters Leo
  • July 12: Venus opposition Pluto
  • July 15: Mars conjunct Uranus
  • July 20-21: Mars sextile Neptune, Venus sextile Jupiter
  • July 21: Sun trine Neptune, Mercury square Uranus
  • July 26: Chiron retrograde in Aries

Cosmic wishes, Pythia Astrologer ✨

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