8 Popular Full Moon Rituals According to Fashion Magazines

8 Popular Full Moon Rituals According to Fashion Magazines

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I've curated the most popular moon rituals from top lifestyle magazines, just for you (Elle, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Purewow, Womansday, and Womenshealthmag). Are you ready to try them?

Let’s dive in:

Most astrologers agree that Full 🌕 are a potent time for reflection, intention-setting, and transformation in your life. By adopting this rituals, the energy will support you in connecting with yourself, creating strong intentions, and manifesting all that you desire.

The Lunar Legacy: Why It Matters

Since time immemorial, people have been drawn to the mystique and magic of the Moon. So much so that several ancient cultures did not simply admire its beauty—they lived by the 🌗🌑🌓's phases. Every culture, from the Babylonians, who believed lunar eclipses were omens, to the Greeks, who called themselves "done," children of Zeus and followers of Selene, goddess of the Moon, viewed their celestial guardian as a helpful force telling them where they had been. It was associated with fertility in the Mayan pantheon through Goddess Ixchel, while the wisdom and teachings of Thoth were thought to be transmitted from beyond by means of his lunisolar prison. These old familiar linkages remind us that the Earth satellite does not exist in isolation as a cosmic body but subtly presides directly over our earthly abodes, affecting us all pervasively.

Astrological Significance and Time Ritual

The Moon, which rules our emotions and intuition, rises to its zenith every month, causing feelings we've pushed deep within to come up. The Full 🌕 will, in turn, affect different aspects of our lives (we go through changes such as relationships, career, and self-growth depending on the zodiac sign under which it falls).

Not all Full Moons are equal, for instance, a Full 🌕 in Taurus would be lovely for a ritual designed around abundance and self-care, whereas a Scorpio Full 🌕 is better suited for deep emotional healing and transformation.

Preparing for Ritual: Cleansing Your Space

Clearing your space rids it of stale energy and also puts you in the perfect mood to think about what you would like help with. Burning sage or other incense sticks is one of the most common methods to cleanse, as it has its roots in practices that pre-date modern lifestyles. It is thought that the smoke produced from these herbs helps cleanse the physical and energetic space so new, healthier energy can follow. Or, if sage feels too messy for you, try a sound cleanse instead—maybe ring a bell.

Setting the Scene

This is a place where you can close yourself off from the world (proverbially) and get into your cleansing routine in serenity as well as power. This might include candles, crystals, and a notebook to journal in, for example. A white candle symbolizes new beginnings, or you could bring some clear quartz or moonstone to enhance the Moon's power. Oh, and play some soothing music in the background instead of those pesky nature sounds, which are definitely a must.

Self-Love Ritual

One powerful ritual involves mirror work, where you come face to face with the part of you that carries beliefs around who and what you are, but also transforms them. Write down the negative beliefs and thoughts that you say to yourself on a regular basis. Afterward, when you are face-to-face in the mirror with a small red pen, strike out the negatives and say something nice instead! For example, change “I’m not good enough” to “I am deserving of all the good in my life.”

Manifesting Abundance

If abundance is something you are craving, a Taurus Full 🌑 is ideal to work with. Start by jotting down any habits, beliefs, or circumstances you believe stand in the way of prosperity. Then, pick up again and recall words: "Imagine your life without these obstacles." What would it feel like to be truly abundant? Imagine this, burn that piece of paper (with your written blocks), and get rid of them from your life.

Protection Ritual

Gather two candles—one to represent yourself and another for the negative energy or situation you want to distance yourself from. Tie a piece of string between the candles, and as they burn, visualize the ties between you and this negative influence gently burning away. Once the string has been burned and all candles have gone out, allow yourself to be encompassed by the energy of release and protection.

Charging Crystals

You can do this by placing your crystals on a windowsill that will catch the Full 🌙 light. Let them sit overnight and soak in the energies of it to cleanse, clear, and charge their natural vibrations. Since each crystal has its unique vibration, you might opt for stones such as moonstone, clear quartz, or amethyst for charging during this time.

Partner Meditation / Rituals for Love & Relationships

(You can even sit face-to-face and synchronize your breath...) Visualize your energy bond growing stronger as you both breathe together, and lock eyes. Also you can share a mutual intention or desire, such as deepening your love or building trust.

When to Do Rituals

The day or two after and up to three days before this peak are also potent moments for harnessing the energy of a Earth satellite. If possible, conduct your rituals in the evening or at night when you can observe this Body in the sky. This aligns your practice with the natural Luna energy, enhancing its effectiveness.

Whether you are new to the world of lunar rituals or a seasoned devotee, remember that every Full Moon is an ideal time for starting fresh—so open up your heart, clear head and a willingness to embrace the transformative it's power.

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