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Next 🗽 US President by Astrology: What Do Top Astrologers Think?

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After July 21, astrology election predictions began going viral on social media like facebook, tik tok and youtube, claiming the outcome was strongly aligned with the stars. We have studied the opinions of top astrologers, here’s what they think about the future outcome of the US 2024 election - Harris vs. Trump.

A paradoxical situation has arisen: Biden's announcement that he would withdraw from the presidential race in favor of Kamala Harris was sensational-but at the same time, it was long-awaited. It looked like a political technique, –a pretty good one at that: the president wins the nomination, draws all the criticism from Donald Trump's team, after the primaries are over, finds an excuse to announce his withdrawal from the race for health reasons – offers his fellow party members a replacement – a younger candidate without a negative trail. This meant that Trump had to completely rebuild his campaign, as criticism based on Biden's age, policies became completely meaningless. Instead, the new candidate could use all the best practices of the campaign against Trump. And that's exactly what happened.


Olivia Craighead,

Astrologer Chani Nicholas shared a video in TikTok elucidating the link between astrology, the upcoming election in 2024: "The events of this weekend are directly tied to what will occur in November," she said. This weekend we are having a full moon in the last degree of Capricorn. Pluto will be at the same degree once again on Nov. 5. So, this weekend's full moon is preview of what will start happening in November."

Chani Nicholas is not the only astrologer who felt that something was about to happen.

Mosaic-style portrait Kamala Harris

The AstroTwins, Tali and Ophi, columnists for Elle.

Donald Trump, often referred to as Teflon Don, on November 5, has fortunate Jupiter over his Sun & the destiny-driven North Node in the 10th house of prestige. However, his karma with women, indicated by Pluto opposing his Venus, might present challenges.

Trump's birth chart is predominantly composed of cardinal signs, which are associated with leadership and pioneering, mutable signs, known as the messengers. "This certainly explains a lot," Tali comments, pointing out that Trump has shown creativity in business, has a knack for communication.

Next up, AstroTwins want to know: Does Kamala Harris have what it takes? The focus shifts to Vice President Kamala Harris and her astrological profile. According to Kamala birth chart, which is dominated by mutable signs, she is classified as a Maven in the AstroTwins' I*AM System. “She’s the messenger, the buzzer,” Tali notes, “but we call her the ‘Maven on Mute’ because although she’s been diligently working, she hasn’t maintained a strong public presence as she did before becoming vice president.”

Fantasy-style painting portrait Kamala Harris

Lisa Stardust,

Though Donald Trump, the former President & Republican nominee, benefits from Jupiter's alignment with his sun plus the North Node of Destiny in his 10th house. But the lunar eclipse on September 17 could pose problems, while changeable Uranus appears to play a role in election day outcomes.

Kamala Harris, born 20th October 1964 at Oakland (California) has Sun in Libra & Ascendant in Gemini. Born under an Aries full moon, she will start a new life chapter that runs parallel to the Capricorn full moon on July 21 - when Democrats made their formal consideration of her for president.

The success of Harris is even contingent upon the fact that Jupiter, often called the "greater benefic" in astrological terms has not thwarted its benevolence. Jupiter concerning luck, abundance will enter Gemini, starting on May 25th of the year 2024 until June 9th in the next year. This is significant as Jupiter will be conjunct Harris' ascendant – North Node of Destiny, boding well for her in November. People usually have this in their chart when they follow the path of their abundance (Jupiter benefic aspect), so life will make you pursue your dreams and step into fate, Jupiter also is connected to the ascendant which means she will be fortuned with more energy.

Also, transiting Uranus in Taurus square her natal Saturn in Aquarius makes it a struggle for the true global future. The recent Squares of Uranus to Saturn we are seeing in 2021 and coming up again in early 2022 did provide insight into the tensions Harris would likely face with her second Saturn Return in the beginning of 2023. This could indicate that the point of her presidency is seen more as a continuity or promotion of sorts, built upon her earlier vice presidency. Now, Uranus is raising her ambitions, which would challenge her to review & reconsider the future, the presidency. The potential candidacy was first announced when Mars began activating Harris's ascendant + North Node, flooding her birth chart with energy and potential. With Mars, the planet of action involved, it's game on!

Yet all this while, as golden as that planet combination maybe for Harris the Pluto return depletes them all. In effect, Pluto epitomizes any case in which we create transformation – any change in pushing us through an array of alterations common with any experience generally associated with all humans. Since Harris's Sun in Libra & Moon were in Aries at 27°--which happens to be the matching planetary degree of Pluto in the birth chart of America--the premise here is all for replenishment and thus healing of a nation.

Meanwhile, Pluto in Aquarius is activating the degrees of the Great Conjunction of December 2020, when Harris became VP. The epochal change was said to begin the Age of Aquarius, with Pluto passing over this point, along with other planetary aspects to the Part of Fortune in her progressed birth chart, some wins or honors may be forthcoming.

Also, Saturn + Neptune in Pisces are conjunct her 10th house of career in the election. Saturn in the 10th house means duty and hard work; this might cement her presidency. The lunar eclipse on September 17 in Pisces falls in her 10th house becomes an important juncture in her campaign. During the time of the election, her annual profection will bring emphasis onto her natal ascendant, placing her center stage. by Liz Simmons

While Harris's natal chart promises much, there are certainly some planetary placements that might raise several red flags. Harris has Mercury in Scorpio, as does Joe Biden. Some of the attention Biden has received for his verbal infelicities, Simmons said, feeds into questions about whether Harris is a gifted communicator. Their window of influence carries the same Mercurial nature, maximizing their ability to communicate, think alike. Whether Harris will be able to avoid those public gaffes that haunt Biden remains to be seen.

Contributing to this is the fact that, according to Harris's chart, she has a natal Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. Normally, Jupiter tries to control politics, philosophy, – morality-areas in which its retrograde motion creates quite a bit of confusion. Simmons offers that the drama around Harris will come from a lack of confidence in her political beliefs; she has Jupiter retrograde 12th house - unconscious, hidden enemies. This placement hints that Harris might struggle to set her own political vision and not depend on outside forces. To win a campaign, Harris has to show that she can stand strong – base her hiring choices on who will help and not harm where, limiting some outsider's agenda from damaging her own push for the White House.

Simmons emphasized that the key to Harris continuing is in part by walking through her campaign carefully on who she does and doesn't trust. The road to presidency for Harris, with Jupiter retrograde over her political battles, all that has come out about them, would depend upon the balance of not just inner strength but also making wise choices in the people around her. According to Simmons' astrologer indicative astrology chart, Harris has solid prospects under the stars but will be "failing & continuing" if she does not learn how best to wield these planetary forces.

Article before the July 21:

Joe Biden and Donald Trump with Gods on South Lawn of the White House

The US presidential election of 2024 is in the focus not only of world media but also of astrologers. PythiaGuru has familiarized itself with the most authoritative opinions regarding predictions about the next US president. For today, Biden and Trump are considered the main candidates for this post. Remember that these are just observations by astrologers, the final choice is for you to make.

The AstroTwins, Tali and Ophi, columnists for Elle, offering their celestial insights.

  • Historical Echoes & Future Shifts: The AstroTwins trace the journey that Pluto has made through Capricorn into a time of massive elections, changing governments. Now, as Pluto prepares to move into the final stretch of its cycle in Capricorn-one that will not be seen again in our lifetime-its impact is being highly speculated on, most especially in matters of reproductive rights, how that can alter the structure of the Supreme Court.
  • Dawn of the Age of Aquarius: Designating 2024 the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the age is a mix of the old and the new. Pluto's ingress into Aquarius begins a twenty-year period of transformation, forcing us to weigh the values of yesterday against the promise of tomorrow.
  • Impact of AI: Tali rightly fears that with AI, "The election could be a swirling mass of chaos." As Pluto progresses into Aquarius, we project that digital manipulation through elections could go beyond prior scandals, as previously election meddling becomes perhaps viewed as infantile. The influence of high-profile contributors will continue, with Pluto's retrograde into Capricorn from September to November, “the power structures will maintain power.”

Astrowow astrologer Adrian Ross Duncan has favored a Biden-Trump rematch for the 2024 U.S. presidential election

Joe Biden's Astrological Path

For Biden, the transit of Saturn near his Imum Coeli meant that the country would be skeptical about putting an 82-year-old at the helm of affairs. Still, signs in the chart after elections were more favorable-following the progress of Venus' trine to his Natal Mars and the progressed Ascendant to a position on the U.S. Moon square natal Venus-indicating a more favorable outcome for him.

Joe Biden ride chariot on NASCAR stadium

In the months leading up to the election, Uranus was opposing Biden's Sun-Venus, a placement associated with a frenzied campaign. Normally an anxiety-arousing passage, it is actually one of the signs that he is a likely Democratic candidate provoking media & numerous campaigns all over the country. At the close of 2025, Biden's progressed Ascendant entered Pisces. If he is re-elected president, his life style can be disrupted by a sudden illness or event.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump as animated characters in the Oval Office at the White House. Joe Biden, Donald Trump cartoon characters in the Oval Office at the White House. Illustration created by PythiaGuru with the help of DALL-E AI.

Donald Trump & MAGA

The said chart of Trump was a controversial one as many were supporting him. His progressed Ascendant entered Scorpio, which shows that it has been an exceptionally tough couple of years and mainly dominated by legal battles. During the time of the campaign, progressed Venus was square to Saturn, Moon + Saturn were square to his Ascendant. But Uranus on Trump's Midheave in 2024 lifts any issue of him becoming the nominee away from him, it can be a sure sign that he may affect the outcome of the 2024 election.

The Election Day Chart

Astrologers develop a “rulership chart” for Election Day. Its Venus opposite Jupiter fits Trump’s chart’s Sun-Moon opposition. When the pole opens has the Sun in Scorpio on the Ascendant. The incumbents are typically favored, pointing to Biden. Still, Uranus is 7th square to Mc-ic indicates potential disruptive influence, perhaps from Trump.

Beyond the Election

The 2024 election aftermath signals the period has begun for changing America and the globe. A Saturn-Neptune conjunction, Uranus into Gemini, + Pluto on China’s Moon + Ascendant appear to be altering governance, economic stability, technology to generate significant adjustments & innovation.


In the astrological account of the next US President, well-regarded astrologer for Elle, Vogue, and Harper’s Bazaar Jessica Adams turns to the astrological nuances that would reverberate over the identity of the next U.S. President by November 2024.

The Economic Landscape As A Battlefield

Arguing that “it’s not the personalities of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or their possible Republican opponents” that decides the 2024 election. Rather, she states, “the battleground itself is the economy,” with the ascendant in Taurus & the Descendant in Scorpio. In other words, the real battle for U.S. voters takes place on the economic landscape. Cupid at 14 Gemini indicates a focus on technology, international relations, particularly with Canada, – the automotive, public transport sector. The next U.S. President would thus enjoy a positive relationship with the democrat, and the sectors recommend there would benefit under his administration.

Tarot's Insight

Seeking tarot guidance from the Smith-Waite tarot, Adams details the Knight of Coins as a figure of the future President, trine Taurus, Scorpio, + Gemini. Adams concludes that a future president would be especially interested in financial investments, such as agriculture and construction projects. The indication of the IPad is what makes the president tech-savvy. Decoding the knight of coins, the American astrologer offers more data, such as the features of Sagittarius or Scorpio— the zodiac signs of the next president.

Tarot card: The Knight of Coins (US)

The Fall Of Donald Trump

Following past predictions, Adams recounts her prediction of Donald Trump’s political fall, the relevantness of the American astrological chart to political history with the ingress of politics. Here, Venus in Scorpio + Juno conjunct almost at the U.S. inauguration on January 20, 2025. The adjunction between Venus & Juno indicates economics, finances and In other words, economic plans start on the U.S. Inauguration Day.

Juno's Symbolism In The Election Astrology

The presence of Juno indicates a financial sale, something similar to the New Deal under Franklin Roosevelt. In other words, the deal would be an economic agreement under the Trump administration with partnership with Canada, one of the richest and secured political nations.

Gemini and ChatGPT About Predictions For The 2024 US Election

We asked two of the most advanced AI’s what they think about chances of winning the US presidential election. 

ChatGPT: Both candidates show strong astrological influences that could sway public opinion, campaign dynamics. Biden's transits suggest a campaign that could effectively communicate empathy & decisive action but may need to navigate potential misunderstandings or miscommunications. Trump's transits indicate a dynamic and assertive campaign that must balance strong public engagement with challenges related to clarity, perception.

The outcome will likely hinge on how each candidate navigates their respective challenges, capitalizes on their strengths. Astrologically speaking, both have significant opportunities + obstacles, making the race potentially very close. The individual & collective choices leading up to the election will play a crucial role in determining the final result. 

For ease of reading, the screenshot GPT has been slightly shortened.

We ask ChatGPT about his prediction for the 2024 US elections

Google at the end of February 2024 has limited interaction with its AI assistant Gemini as much as possible. It refuses to give an answer: I'm still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search.

We ask Google Gemini about predictions for the 2024 US elections


Kaitlyn Maura from delves deep into the celestial dynamics that may influence Joe Biden’s campaign in the 2024 U.S. presidential election, offering a nuanced astrological perspective.

Joe Biden: A Celestial Snapshot

Sagittarius Rising Joe Biden’s ever-candid affability, sometimes overshadowed by gaffes, is underscored by his Sagittarius rising. Jupiter, in exaltation in Cancer, indicates a fortunate outlook of protectiveness toward the vulnerable, cemented by the grounding influence of a loyal, stable Taurus Moon. However, a Scorpio stellium, including the Sun, indicates a private, often powerful influence, fitting the drama of his ascent in American politics.

In his 81st year, Biden is in a Virgo-ruling, 10th-house profection year, highlighting his career, public persona, with themes of secrecy & possible undermining, tied back to his 12th-house Mercury-conjunct-Sun/Mars.

Biden’s Solar Return Ascendant in Leo indicates a leadership-focused year filled with visibility but also strong 4th house emphasis, with Jupiter + Uranium near the Taurus MC, with potential changes in his public role; however, harmonious Venus in Libra suggests a strong appeal, especially to the young.

The Moon highlights relational themes or generalized stress on relation dynamics, especially personal, professional partners and its role in his election in 2024 on Election Day.

Perspectives On Election Day

As election day approaches, astrological patterns highlight the slowing of bureaucratic processes and a planetary retrograde alignment that reveals the weaknesses of our political idols. Traditional astrology suggests that the Mars move to Leo will enhance discord between figures, audience members.

Biden’s Astrological Forecast For Election Day

In Biden’s personal forecast, the Venus-Moon conjunction in the 1st house suggests excellent communication abilities, public approval. Still, challenging aspects of Mars + Uranus suggest ideological clashes that can decide the election’s outcome. 

A virtual arm wrestling match between Joe Biden and Donald Trump A virtual arm wrestling match between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Image generated by PythiaGuru.

Stefan Stenudd, a Swedish astrologer, gives his astrological analysis in a Donald Trump or Joe Biden victory, including the party conventions, the election itself, the Electoral College vote, and the inauguration. Stenoudd says Trump is likely to succeed in the race for the Republican nomination – could win the presidential election – as indicated by astrological transits. Stenoudd interprets these transitions as both candidates have already “won” on their journeys – Trump will probably continue his political career, while Biden may find relief in retirement. Here's how Stefan Stenudd arrived at that conclusion: 

  • Donald Trump at the Republican Convention should occur on July 15-18. The stars do not predict anything exceptional for Trump. On the one hand, it is the reason he will be nominated with little or no trouble. On the other hand, there are disagreements, even some reconsiderations in his camp. Trump could revert the scenario so, it means there could be one. At present, his opinion-poll numbers soar. That also helps him there.
  • Joe Biden at the Democratic Convention. Oddly, the Democratic Convention which takes place between August 19 and August 22 looks like a mixed bag of stellar combinations for Biden. He might have a realization about retiring from the presidency, especially given other significant events in other astrological spheres providing a clue that he should stop working & concentrate on his personal life. It seems like he’s going to perceive his eviction from the presidency as a personal victory.
  • Presidential Election, November 5, 2024. Of course, the election days themselves are not the end of drama, as the Electoral College may still change the decision. For Trump, the stars show a strong + public position, he might feel like a winner, even though the vote will not be overwhelming. For Biden, this day is a mixture of success & failure, although personal well-being and distance from his duties are already clear. Hence, he does not seem to take part in the further fight.
  • Electoral College December 17, 2024 – it is likely to confirm the new or continuing presidency. Trump’s astrological signs will continue to assist his public status, but it decreases in power. In the case of the loss, the situation with Biden clarifies as critical for personal development refers to a good life. If the president, positive changes are destiny.
  • Inauguration January 20, 2025 – Trump has strong planetary aspects on an inauguration day. The stars of Biden’s presidency apparently show a significant change in a good adaption since a critical for personal development reaches a good life.

So What Does it Mean To You? Both candidates are talking about more than the Presidential election, as it approaches its climax. Trump is ready to be restored by cosmic forces, but Joe can retire to his glass in peace.



Pythia.Guru will update the article as the U.S. election race develops.

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