Leo Monthly Horoscope - July 2024

Leo: A month in which love is red-hot for you, Leo, with amore rising July 1! Venus tenderly aspects Saturn and Neptune on November 2nd and 11th, guiding you to more stable and nurturing relationships. You could be inspired to make deeper, more soul to soul connections – follow your heart but listen to your head. On the 11th, when Venus enters your sign, you're simply the most charming -- and almost irresistible. But with Pluto opposing on the 12th, be careful. Seems like it may have some intensity or obsession involved now that this has become a new force of gravity for you. On the 15th, Mars will conjunct Uranus, adding a rebellious tone to the mix. There may be exciting new meetings, but ensure they are ignited on rocks and not just a fire work. Also, as the month advances (and especially useful on the 20-21), Mars receives harmonious support from Neptune and Jupiter which helps boost your confidence and appeal. This is a fabulous opportunity to meet new people and maybe find someone to really understand and accentuate your ebullient approach.

This will be a good month for relationships of family and friends as well. On the 2nd, a trine from Mercury to Neptune supports soulful exchanges that can help you heal any fracturing (or bolster any connections) it may have caused,. The New Moon in Cancer on or around the 5th is a wonderful opportunity to tend to your feelings. Or put forth the most effort and plan a quiet, intimate Family Holiday or even a relaxing trip to the Michaelesalle. You are called to leader ship on the 10th, when the Sun trines Saturn, so be a rock for those closest to you! This is where they might turn to you for guidance and protection and here are your latent leadership skills will shining as bright as the morning.

Expect some gauche moments in the office. But Mercury opposes Pluto on the 3rd; there could be battles or disagreements with the Sun. Just be smart and polite in how you say what you need to say so conflicts are kept at bay. However, there is scope for improvement. On the 8th and 21st, both days offer positive aspects between Mercury and Mars to Jupiter, ideal to boost your creativity and conversation, Gemini. That this is an excellent time for business expansion; present those projects and any ideas now. Expect lucrative agreements or windfalls, with Jupiter in a similar aspect these same dates.

Health-wise, start the month by tapping into Mercury and Neptune’s combined energy on the 2nd. This is a prime time for self-care – meditation, yoga, or any activity that nurtures your spirit will be beneficial. As Mars sextiles Neptune on the 20th, indulge in healthy escapes. Whether it’s a solo trip or diving into a creative outlet, find what rejuvenates you. Towards the end of the month, Chiron’s retrograde on the 26th might bring up some old emotional wounds. Be kind to yourself and seek support if needed – healing is a journey, not a race.

Personal growth takes center stage with the New Moon in Cancer on the 5th. It’s a call for introspection and emotional healing. Journaling or meditation can help you connect with your inner self. Later, on the 21st, challenging aspects between the Sun, Pluto, Mercury, and Uranus could stir up insecurities or a strong desire for change. Use this energy constructively for transformation and self-discovery.

Adventure beckons this month. Venus’ sextile to Uranus on the 8th could spark a desire for excitement – maybe a spontaneous weekend getaway? Keep the adventurous spirit alive on the 18th with the Sun’s sextile to Uranus, encouraging you to explore new hobbies or activities. By the 20th, with Mars entering Gemini, your curiosity will peak. Educational travel or cultural immersion might be particularly fulfilling now.

Communication flows smoothly for most of the month, especially with supportive aspects from Mercury to Jupiter and Neptune on the 8th and 21st. Your ability to connect with others will be enhanced. Yet, be cautious on the 21st when Mercury squares Uranus. Your words might come out more impulsively than intended – choose them wisely to avoid misunderstandings.

Cosmic wishes, Pythia Astrologer ✨

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