Libra Monthly Horoscope - July 2024

For you, Libra, July brings a breath of fresh air as a double whammy occurs in the stars for you on the 2nd. A disconnect between Neptune Rx in Pisces and Venus trine Saturn can cause confusion in matters of the heart and demand relationships be built on a solid foundation. Dream like mad, but keep your feet on the ground. Mars aligning with Saturn on March 8th is the most exciting love story of the month you don't want to miss. Venus creates sparks between March 8th and 11th with unexpected meetings or reunions all linked to its meetings with Uranus and Neptune. Enjoy the view, but do not let the rose-tinted lens hinder you.

Venus enters Leo and opposes Pluto mid-month. During this transit, desires become more urgent, and feelings of jealousy or possessiveness may be triggered. Your secret weapon in the battle with power struggles is open communication. The 15th Mars conjuncts Uranus in Taurus = sudden attractions or breakups around the corner. That being said, there is a fine line between excitement and plain irresponsibility. We get our compassionate groove back on the 20th when Mars makes a rewarding sextile to Neptune, showing us how to connect heart-to-heart with caring, sensitive people.

Then, July 5, it is time to adjust the tempo once more with the New Moon in Cancer, alongside Mars sextile Saturn, marking out new beginnings and increased commitment within your career. Now is the time for you to use your ambition productively. Take a chance, not fear risk-taking. Mercury sextiles Jupiter on the 8th, presenting a brilliant opportunity for communication and negotiation where you are able to present your ideas both clearly and successfully. Great for salary negotiations, pitching ideas, or networking.

On the self-development front, July 2nd's Mercury trine Neptune promotes creative thinking and intuitive decision-making—perfect for leaning into creative pursuits or spiritual growth! Be very careful on the 3rd when Mercury opposes Pluto, as it can dig up buried anxieties or old scars. Make use of this time to journal or go to therapy to be able to break down your emotions and use that time to heal. Turn karma into dharma when Pallas goes direct in Scorpio on the 9th.

Mars sextile Neptune and Sun trine Neptune prioritize health and wellness on the 20th and 21st, supporting compassion, forgiveness, and mutual healing efforts. Let old grudges go and concentrate on self-care to have inner peace. Maybe the 3rd and 21st are when harsh words trip you up, as Mercury opposes Pluto, then squares Uranus. Do your best to avoid potential misunderstandings and power struggles by selecting your words carefully. Your best friends are going to be patience and active listening.

Do you feel a bit of wanderlust around the 18th? Sun sextile Uranus: This is great for surprise travel plans, exploring new interests. Enjoy the thrill of the chase, and follow where your nose leads you.

Cosmic wishes, Pythia Astrologer ✨

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