Sagittarius Yearly Horoscope 2024

Love & Relationships 💘

You know the old adage, Sagittarius—love is a battlefield…but this year, it could be more like a playground. Nothing boosts your sexual attractability like Venus harmonizing with both Jupiter and Uranus in July and August. A love-at-first-sight fling may set your world on fire on or around July 8 and 21. However, you may come up against some obstacles in fully committing to this romance, with Mars square Saturn on the 15th of August. Look at it as a cosmic message to slow down and set loving intentions.

As we inch closer to September, the 17th will mark a Full Moon eclipse in watery Pisces, perhaps causing feelings from the past year to resurface. A cosmic nudge to have a think about some of the relationships we have experienced and what lessons they generically taught us. These Uranus feuds could spur surprises that mark a sudden revolution in both love and lust, which is apt since Venus will be opposing Uranus on October 14. Accept it as an ebb and flow, and talk openly with each other to find your way.

Starting in November and December, Venus moves through Sagittarius and Capricorn, inspiring confidence as they set the stage for some committed romances. That one, it seems even more so on November 17th. However, just before the year concludes, a square of Jupiter to Saturn on Christmas Eve tests your devotion. The key to keeping the ship running smoothly is patience and good communication.

Sagittarius character whispering a wish under a glowing new moon in Sagittarius, surrounded by shooting stars

The cosmic influence is also on the family relationships. Cancer Season (5th and 10th) is ideal for uniting with those you love back in early July. If you find yourself rehashing family melodramas when the Full Moon eclipse happens on September 17th, know that it provides a pathway to mend and forgive. Venus enters Capricorn by mid-November on the 11th, and you might discover a few new ways to find enjoyment in those dear to your heart. By the 22nd, you may enjoy smooth sailing in matters between you and someone else as any lingering abrasions are hopefully caressed into oblivion when Venus adds its touch of love and understanding.

Travel & Adventure

Your passport must be up-to-date, Sag! Well, the stars have planned for some interesting expeditions this year so far.

July: Spontaneous getaways (around 5th). Discover your wandering soul, and get ready to embark on some journeys of serendipity. Jump in the car, get on a plane last minute when you see an amazing deal, or head off on a road trip to the next town over — let your curiosity take you where it will.

Sagittarius character with a passport in hand, standing amidst a swirling globe filled with diverse landmarks and constellations

September: The 17th Full Moon in Pisces can magnify desire for a lone-solo vacation or spiritual pilgrimage. It's the ideal moment to embark on a journey that nourishes your heart and broadens your perspectives—be it in a meditation retreat, a silent isolated escape in another location, or even visiting some ancient holy places.

December: However, not every travel plan will be successful. Then on the 6th, Mars retrogrades in Leo (28º)—change plans for delays or cancellations. Since nothing is clear-cut, consider going to another place or changing the date if everything did not go as planned. It may seem as though all hope is lost, but the 19th will then bring a trine between Venus in Aquarius and Jupiter that provides you with an unexpected avenue for travel. Maybe an unplanned road trip to catch up with old friends or a fresh adventure that reminds you how much you love to wander.

Education, Work, and Financial Opportunities

This is amplified by a new moon in Cancer on July 5, inspiring you to start working together or to pursue creative professional opportunities. Kick your energy into high gear for each of these—automatically adding to the ripple effect. But, come August, Mercury retrograde in Virgo from the 4th could throw an almighty spanner in the works. Delays and mistakes should be expected, so double-check every detail.

September and October see Jupiter retrograde in Gemini (he enters retreat on October 9) hitting the pause button on education or employment efforts. Use this time to hone your plans and re-evaluate where you stand with objectives. This is a time to concentrate on those things you may have missed when jumping in head first.

a Sagittarius character throwing a glowing coin into a swirling nebula filled with futuristic financial symbols

You get a sales-floor gift of gab upgrade on the 2nd, as communicative Mercury moves into Sagittarius. At work or school, your self-assurance will be through the roof (highlighting it as a fantastic time for presentations, exams, and pitching ideas). New moon in Sagittarius on November 30 aligns your reality with what you know is possible and watch a new story unfold as the month closes.

Yet, it's not all roses. Squares between Sun/Mercury and Jupiter on the 4th and 26th could result in a setback or necessitate some kind of revision to your plans. Don't look at them as roadblocks, rather take it up to make your work even better.

When Mars conjoins Jupiter in Gemini on the 14th, it is slated to be a financially lucky month for you. This square, however, aligns with Saturn later in the month (on 19th August) suggesting that caution and sound judgment must be exercised. The 28th of November can flirt with overspending, so watch where things are being paid.

December 2, Venus in Capricorn trines Uranus bringing surprising financial prospects (like a side hustle or spontaneous money windfall) your way. Remain open to your financial struggles while turning to some creative solutions.

Health, Wellness, Personal growth and Spirituality

Early July, a Cancer vibe (around the 5th), reminds us to take care of ourselves. Embed mindful techniques such as meditation, yoga, or nature for spiritual battery charging. You may find August a little difficult since Virgo's retrograde planet, Mercury, might get you mentally scattered or physically in minor health discomfort from the 4th. Keeping a routine will be key as well. Listen to your body and take breaks when needed.

Come November 25, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius could have you feeling a bit foggy-headed or confused. It is an ideal moment to decelerate and devote time to decompression. You might be trying to juggle too much or failing to put your health and well-being first as the Sun squares Neptune in Sagittarius on December 18. Practice realistic self-care practices and sensible goals.

a Sagittarius character stirring a cauldron filled with swirling notes and symbols

December 29th: Chiron Direct in Aries—a golden opportunity to heal those old emotional wounds that have been hindering your physical and spiritual health. Do things that appeal to your soul and develop you, whether it's individual therapy or journaling or learning some form of spirituality.

Communication, Family & Friends

Early July is ripe with nurturing Cancer vibes (5th and 10th), which makes it a good time to reach out and touch base regarding family matters. Make some plans to hang out together—maybe as a family or have an honest conversation that fills in the divide.

The September 17th Full Moon occultation in Pisces may dredge up family-related skeletons. This can potentially be triggering, but it is also an opportunity to confront and resolve past trauma. Do that with these moments, and be patient and forgiving to yourself.

November is for reconnections and newfound appreciations. You might feel like meeting with the elders of your family or finding ways to show appreciation to your loved ones better as Venus enters Capricorn on the 11th. Venus in Capricorn trines Saturn on November 22, and family tensions simmer down into a more favorable sense of kinship.

Mercury moves out of retrograde on December 15, making it easier to untangle any knotted lines between you and your nearest and dearest that came up in early December. It is the ideal time where any confusion can be resolved and relations can take new heights.

Key Dates for Sagittarius in 2024 🌌

  • July 5th: New Moon in Cancer – Reconnect with family and nurture bonds.
  • July 8th: Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus – Spark of romance.
  • July 21st: Full Moon in Capricorn – Culmination of efforts in personal relationships.
  • August 4th: Mercury retrograde in Virgo – Double-check work and health plans.
  • August 14th: Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini – Financial opportunities.
  • September 17th: Full Moon eclipse in Pisces – Address and heal family issues.
  • October 14th: Venus opposition Uranus – Unexpected developments in love life.
  • November 2nd: Mercury enters Sagittarius – Boost in communication skills.
  • November 11th: Venus enters Capricorn – Reconnect with family, smooth over tensions.
  • November 17th: Venus in Sagittarius – Confidence in romance.
  • November 30th: New Moon in Sagittarius – Set new goals for work and education.
  • December 2nd: Venus trine Uranus – Unexpected financial opportunities.
  • December 15th: Mercury retrograde ends – Resolve communication issues.
  • December 24th: Jupiter-Saturn square – Test of commitment in relationships.

Cosmic wishes,
Pythia Astrologer ✨

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