The Astrological Timeline Transits 🔄 How Astrology Explains Our Life Path?

The Astrological Timeline Transits 🔄 How Astrology Explains Our Life Path?

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Each of us has our own unique life but have you not experienced that some challenges present themselves at particular ages? This is because each stage of human development corresponds to a different astrological significance. Planets rotate around the solar system following determined time lapses. For example, Jupiter takes 12 years and Saturn is at 28-29. As these planets are traveling through the zodiac, they are meeting major moments in our lives.

The Sun, like biwheels in general—and progressions & regular transits—means points in your birth chart that connect with major growth markers when they return home or reach the 90°/opposition marker context of its own birth position. This is for the planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, those which have cycles longer than a Earth year; still, faster-moving (or inner) are only visible as "seasons" in our relationship culture instead of on its broader world stage. 

Schedule of Planetary Returns

PlanetReturns EveryKeys to our growth
Sun365 daysAuthenticity, individuality, self-discovery, voice
Moon28-29 daysEmotional intelligence, self-awareness
Mercury88 daysInterpersonal skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, empathy
Venus225 daysIntimacy, partnership, compromise, conflict resolution
Mars685 daysDe-escalation, problem-solving, determination
Jupiter12-13 yearsBeliefs, values, foresight, global awareness
Lunar Nodes18-19 yearsKarmic development, purpose, transformation, overcoming adversity
Saturn29.5 yearsLimits, self-control, accountability
Uranus84 yearsCollaboration, creativity, advocacy, social change
Neptune165 yearsN/A
Pluto284 yearsN/A

Astrological Timeline or Your Significant Ages In Astrology

  • Age 7–8: Opening Saturn square 
  • Age 9: Nodal opposition
  • Age 12: Jupiter return 
  • Age 14: Saturn opposition 
  • Age 18–19: Nodal return 
  • Age 21–22: Closing Saturn square, Opening Uranus square 
  • Age 24: Jupiter return 
  • Age 27: Nodal opposition 
  • Age 28–30: Saturn return
  • Age 35–37: Jupiter return, Nodal return, Opening Saturn square
  • Age 36–42: Opening Pluto square
  • Age 39–40: Opening Neptune square
  • Age 42: Uranus opposition
  • Age 44–45: Saturn opposition, Nodal opposition 
  • Age 47–48: Jupiter return 
  • Age 49–50: Chiron return, Closing Saturn square 
  • Age 54: Nodal return
  • Age 58–60: Jupiter return, Saturn return 
  • Age 63–64: Closing Uranus square, Nodal opposition 
  • Age 65–66: Opening Saturn square 
  • Age 72–74: Nodal return, Jupiter return, Saturn opposition 
  • Age 79–80: Closing Saturn square
  • Age 81–83: Nodal opposition, Neptune opposition 
  • Age 83–84: Jupiter return, Uranus return
  • Age 88–90: Saturn return, Nodal return
  • Age 96–97: Closing Saturn square, Jupiter return
  • Age 99: Nodal opposition

Childhood: Age 7–9

The first one Returns occurs at age 7 / 8; it is called the opening square of Saturn. It is the age when you can start seeing yourself as an entity of your own, and not just be to attachment with our guardians. That can be a little scary, — you might have been shy with the new kids or miss having your parents around all of the time but those are fears that simply must be overcome as part growing up.

But this isn't just a one-time happening, Saturn's opening squares erupt again at ages 36 / 37, then at age 66 or 67, – lastly in the late night of our lives when we are coming to the end (in human terms) about between age from 96 all you up to 97.

It is during these times where you are squeezed to the max, being pushed to your limits and in a way - testing some wisdom of how it might be like experiencing life with Saturn so heavy on display.

Age 9: study with Saturn

Also significant is the 9 year, its nodal opposition that repeats every nine years. The Moon's nodes opposite their birth positions is the mid-stream of your quest and release journey. This is the age at which your focus shifts inwards, when you start finding more intricate associations beyond home. You begin also to feel, think about what you look like, these reflections in the mirror with eyes of other people. Nodal Oppositions: 27, 45, 63 years apart (81, 99) return. They are the periods that show you what you want to and need push for, revealing your most hidden characteristics.

Tween & Teen Years: Age 12 –19

Age 12. The Jupiter return - A big event you will face every 12 years. It induces a feeling of protection – confidence, which leads to such brave acts as taking the leap into lakes or selecting sweets for lunch. Jupiter comes back at different times, signifying rapid growth, confidence, discovery.

Turns of Jupiter happen at 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, and 96 years. Years are spent taking in lessons, making mistakes, either just living. Every return teaches us more about our natal Jupiter, reminding us to allow wisdom – perhaps engage in a little cheer / luck - though these are not promised!

Age 14. The Saturn Opposition occurs when you are 14 years of age. The great teacher, Saturn—lord of responsibility and discipline—takes his first double-dare loop around the zodiac for 29 long years. Temperament is established during this age, puberty kicks into full gear & social pressures intensify, causing mental health woes. When it comes to consolidating and crystallizing your ideas, Saturn tends to bring the feels of being insecure about what you believe, immobilizes efforts to reach achievements. But it also leads us to question, helps make us for the rest of adulthood.

At ages 44 & 74, we experience our second Saturn oppositions which offer a clear review of making choices in life so far - they help us get better at bouncing back.

Age 18–19. The lunar nodes make a complete revolution by ages 18-19, this is called a nodal return. This is a big change, –therefore, it evokes thoughts of release & new aspirations. It falls in sync with big shifts such as finishing school, embarking on the work world, or traveling. Many people reach the important milestone and privilege of becoming legal adults.

Your lunar nodes return at age 36, 54, 72, & 90 years, marking a time to re-tool your values, celebrate those that have served you in the past while moving new beams towards future goals.

Twenties - astrology adulthood

The closing Saturn square occurs when a person is 21-22, this time, it squares its natal position. Admittedly, this period has its challenges as you complete your undergraduate coursework or perhaps reflect upon job satisfaction while contemplating entering the workforce; graduate school is an option. It intends to examine your fears – insecurities but in the end, it uncovers and proves strength.

A golden year of optimism & growing confidence comes with the arrival at 24, of the second Jupiter return. It sort of feels like you still have no idea what the hell is going on, but that somehow the future will bend to your whims.

Monarch of the Microwaved

Saturn return: The first Saturn Return, often between 28 to 30 involves key adult milestones such as starting a family or honing in on your career. This stage pushes you to your limits but reveals how strong-willed and tenacious in nature that we are.

Later Ages. Similar cycles happen at 49-50 & then again at 79-80, testing your limits, integrity, getting you ready for the next Saturn return. The road will be less bumpy next time thanks to your fortified foundation from previous endeavors and returns.


Age 36–37. After the Saturn return, the next major thing will be your nodal return at age 36. This cycle is like a gigantic emergent return of the nodal points (North Node = what you need to be aiming for, South Node = where efforts are wasted and release can occur) back into place. A time to solidify what we are after and towards - in our work, public roles, families, / vocations. The road to either definitively having kids or not. We change careers, we get more specific about how we want to spend our energy. Life seems very concrete around this age, – some of it comes from Saturn’s second square opening at about 36 or almost 37. The first big exam of Saturn post-initial Saturn return is a wake-up call; it helps push us to shatter archaic patterns, recalibrate if needed.

Ages 36–42. Our late 30s surprise us… Neptune / Pluto hits key points in orbits, doing what we call “midlife transits”. It is a period of going so deep there is striving for transformation to become someone you could not have anticipated. Themes of transformation, intense psychological experiences, the underworld are present with this planet of power (Pluto). It is a common time of learning about mortality, seizing the day. Dark aspects of ourselves - our psyche, such as fear of success either control issues need to be addressed. The positive ways can be with therapy, meditation, dream journals. A time to acknowledge our own leadership and salute designate for us.

SPA woman planets

At 39 or age is approximately a time to have doubts and grow confused over why we chose the way of life that seems so peculiar - Neptune square. Maybe it is time to reawaken some buried passions, contemplate a new style of living. Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions robbed us of direction but also re-enchanted us. This time invites us to be less-focused on the solved and more-concerned with questions, inceptions of ideas.


Uranus Opposition: The "MidLife crisis" typically at 42. Uranus is about change, breaking the norm, freedom. For those of you out there that have consistently hidden your needs to appease others (and in turn please), this transit is going to throw a wrench into that. This could result in you quitting your job either relocating to a different city. For example, you may have corrected things over the years so that the changes are more validating to all of your efforts in being yourself.

Age 44 - cry Uranus child

Another dose of reality arrives at 44, when the Saturn oppositional phase begins. This work tests the lessons you learned during your first Saturn return. You may have figured out your life's purpose by now...but it ain't easy and you know that. You are learning to discover solutions from within. It serves as a reminder to the world of healthy, wellness choices. If you are of child-bearing age, this may be an indication that you have entered perimenopause!

Between 49 / 50, this Chiron return is focused on healing & teaching. Chiron – the 'wounded healer', makes his return to your chart this week spotlighting lessons in vulnerability, learning. When Chiron is in the 10th house, one can revisit old wounds related to career but witness how they have grown. Maybe it will be mentoring, perhaps the next step is seeing your children leaving home.


The fifties can sometimes feel like you’re finally anchored, and some things in your life might start to feel more solid. However, around age 50 to 51, you are having your Saturn square, which is a reality check before your second Saturn Return in your late fifties. For those with uteri, AFCM strikes around this age. Saturn is all about responsibilities, boundaries, – you might have to re-evaluate how you spend your resources / make tough decisions for your future or someone else’s.

Around 54, you’re having some familiar astrological transits. The nodal return around this age echoes the themes of your late childhood, thirties. You can read your journals, reflect on your photos from this period to find some answers. Still tough / easy, this will be a different time in your life because you aren’t the same person you were and the astrology is different.

Around 58 to 60, your second Saturn return happens and echoes your late twenties in this regard. You become a grandparent, start to tap out your career, either start new ventures, such as volunteer work / further education. It is also easier to see your expertise now, which means you can start to mentor someone either develop something new. With almost six decades of experience, you have something to say visually.

Old woman with a butterfly body


You may have an idea if you are 63 / 64, when the final Uranus square occurs. This first occurred at you around the age of 21 / 22 when it is all about liberation and embracing your own idiosyncratic self, which comes to pass again for a second time until way back then in December if life was going as planned. Now it's a matter of closing this cycle. At this point... you ought to be proud of those oddities. They qualify you as an elder, a sage, to whom others advize. For many, it is also a time that they fall into retirement, or crawl up to the surface for air. I know, it might be hard to transition away from structure, but the fact is; you can now schedule your days as you want - enjoying gardening either traveling just like activism. 

When you get to 66–67, Saturn square opens again. Looking back in the themes form before will help guide you to know what might come up next. Experiences arent going to repeat exactly. Now you will ready to embrace, meet new challenges.

Seventies & Eighties

From 72 to 74 we face three major astrological transits. This includes the Nodal Return, which we experienced around 18, 36 and now again at close to our share of 62; the Jupiter Return nailed every 12 years or so; plus the Saturn opposition signaling halfway between my freeze-dried transformation day marches.

Some life experiences go full circle during this time. You might end up taking care of your grandchildren, or any other needy person. You may be retired but called upon for your wisdom, perspective as a dignified elder. In either case, you'll be integrating any unprocessed adventures, feelings / stories in your life.

We do not go through a Neptune return until ages 82 to 83 (they happen every ~165 years), but we DO experience what is known as our opponents, either the time when transiting Neptune opposes its natal position in all of us.

At age 82 or maybe even starting from the time you reach 83. This transit is the epitome of Neptune energy: dreamy, imaginative, spiritual, an escape artist. You may feel as though you are wandering, searching for what lies after just death either musing upon the idea of a good death itself; wondering whether anything remains beyond life. You might find a deep sense of inner peace and acceptance that would enable you to ease more gently into the inevitability of end-of-life issues in your 70s or even early-80.

At around 84, next is your Uranus return. This is a major milestone. Be grateful to live long enough to see Uranus come around on its 84-year cycle & return back where it was when you were born. At this point in time, having lived for over eight decades on Earth, you are indeed an elder – a wise one! And the best part? Chances are, you're more happy than is humanly possible. People in their eighties have very little stress / worry compared to when they were younger. Having been through loss, they've stopped pursuing some abstract notion of success. They are living for the now, taking what todays offer... Is there a better form of freedom?)

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